13 October 2018

This Friday at KPS ...

On 19th October, Kingswood Photographic Society has its last studio evening this year.  Mike will again be bringing a model us to photograph.  He hopes that Jaz will join us on the evening to capture some casual or quirky images.  Currently blonde but who knows what colour her hair will be on the night.

During the evening, if you have any questions, please seek out Mike or another experienced studio photographer.  You will find that they will be only too willing to share their knowledge and help you improve your studio shooting skills.

This evening presents another opportunity to practise some of the studio lighting techniques Mike has previously demonstrated.  Also, remember that it is important not to use your on camera flash whilst someone else is connected to the hot shoe which is linked to the studio lights because they interfere with each other.  When not taking your own photograph, another great way to learn new skills is to listen to other people’s questions and watch how others work with the model.

Kingswood PS meet Fridays from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at St Barnabas Church Hall, Warmley, Bristol BS30 5JJ. Visitors are welcome to join us and the cost for non-members on a Studio Night is £5.00.

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