1 April 2010

Your iPhone is a Holga, er Lomo, mate. No, honestly. Really.

Subway, originally uploaded by Photoportunity.
Getting back into photography in the late 90s, I was seduced by the lure of the Lomo and the Holga. At one time, I had 3 secondhand Lomos, 2 Holgas and a Lubitel all in various stages of repair. I loved it. Completely unpredictable, always enjoyable.

Then I began to take photography seriously (and still do), investing first in medium format stuff from Mamiya then high end digital kit.

Now I find myself enjoying the sheer exuberance of the iPhone and its amazing array of photography apps. And the results? Just as enjoyable and unpredictable as those early days but cheap-to-free, fun to share and sometimes really quite nice.

Doesn't have to be an iPhone of course. Any mobile phone camera'll do. Fun ain't it?

Keep Calm and Carry a Camera

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