9 June 2018

This Friday at KPS ...

On June 15th, Kingswood Photographic Society has a Creative Evening, which gives the chance for less experienced members to submit images for others to work on and to see whether an exhibition quality image can be produced.

Our Chairman, Steve Bridgen, has reminded us about this meeting which is all about how people see the same image differently. 

Creative Evenings are interesting, informative and instructive so come along and join in.  It is a time when members are encouraged to ask questions and to share their knowledge.  So, see you on Friday and remember to bring your notebook.

Visitors are always welcome and this evening in particular gives an excellent opportunity to see members’ work and to hear the feedback offered.  Kingswood PS meets Fridays at 7.30pm at St Barnabas Church Hall, Warmley, Bristol BS30 5JJ. The cost for this evening is £3.00.

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