28 October 2017

This Friday at KPS ...

Kingswood Photographic Society is absolutely delighted to welcome Pat Emery, as their speaker on Friday 3rd November, who will be giving a print and digital image presentation entitled Landscape/Wildlife &Sport.

Pat says: “My talk and presentation of pictures to your club will consist of a variety of images which convey my main interests in both Landscape/Wildlife & Sport. 

I have been a very prolific photographer since the mid-sixties when I married and started a family.  My early years in photography consisted of taking pictures of people and photographing weddings every week, something which I always enjoyed, but after ten years, decided it really wasn’t the direction for my photography.

Wildlife and landscape has always interested me, this being the main subject of my presentation. Achieving decent movement pictures of both animal and mechanical subjects has always challenged me, so the gradual move to better specified cameras and lenses has certainly made everything a whole lot easier, not to mention the cost of a 36 exposure colour transparency film and a 10 frames a second capability film camera. 


I endorsed the digital age with enthusiasm at a very early stage in the mid-nineties and soon found out that it was far preferable to the many hours spent in my darkroom producing what was not always an optimum quality colour print.  I would add that the only disappointment I now feel is that of dismantling my darkroom and not being able to create mono prints.  For some reason I feel I would like to return to this method of producing a masterpiece!  Maybe I might just take the old route again sometime soon. 

I have been selling my work for the last twenty years or so and still have an excellent outlet for doing so. There still is a great sense of satisfaction when someone parts with money and purchases one of my pictures.  Maybe that’s the difference between an amateur versus professional photographer.”

This promises to be an absolutely superb evening so we hope to see you there.

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