10 December 2016

This Friday at KPS ...

Kingswood Photographic Society is absolutely delighted to welcome Jack Sugden for the first time , as their speaker on Friday 16th December who will be giving a digital image and audio visual presentation talk entitled Exploring the Strange World of Strip/Slit Photography.

After retiring as an engineer in the power industry four years ago, Jack became intrigued by an article in ‘Scientific American’ on ‘strip/slit’ photography and began to investigate. The technique, stems from the work of Stanley Kubrick on ’2001, A Space Odyssey’ and begins with a video sequence of some dynamic subject.  An image is the formed by taking strips from the frames at different time steps and putting these together.  This leads to a transformation of time and space which gives interesting images which are sometimes counter intuitive.

Jack will guide us through the process and show a range of his results.

This promises to be an absolutely fascinating evening so we hope to see you there.

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