22 September 2018

This Friday at KPS ....

Kingswood Photographic Society is absolutely delighted to welcome Dave Mason  as their speaker on Friday 28th September who will be giving a digital image presentation entitled Windows of Opportunity.

Dave says: “The French word flâneur, which describes a man who saunters around observing society, describes perfectly the act of street photography.

In my talk, I will show panels of images that I have captured over the past couple of years in various types of environments.  It borders on an obsession, that need to capture those moments in life so fleeting and once recorded via a camera become my property to view at will.

As an addition to the street images there will also be a few panels from other subject matter.”

For further information about Dave Mason, pop onto the website, http://davemasonimages.com/, from which you’ll see why this promises to be an excellent evening.  We hope to see you there.

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