25 August 2018

This Friday at KPS ...

Kingswood Photographic Society is absolutely delighted to welcome Colin Harrison FRPS FBPE FIPF MPSA MPAGB MFIAP APAGB AWPF SPSA EFIAP/d2, as their speaker on 31st August, who will be giving a digital image presentation entitled I Did it My Way.

Colin says:  I have been interested in photography for over 50 years and I have always set myself photographic projects and this is still on going.

My photographic qualifications have expanded over 30 years, recently being the third person in the country to gain the EFIAP diamond2 distinction which is only achieved by gaining awards in International exhibitions.  Rather than just collecting letters after my name these qualifications stimulate and develop my work and give me goals to work for. Through my qualifications I take every opportunity to help others develop their own photographic skills.

I am still a very active photographer and will photograph all genres. I also enjoy judging at all levels and have sat on distinction panels for the RPS and PAGB.

My talk, I Did it My Way, shows an individualistic approach to photography.  My aim is to pass onto your club some of my ‘tricks of the trade’ and show how these can be achieved with a limited amount of effort without having a vast knowledge of photo editing software.  My motto is, ‘keep it simple and work fast’.  I will show how I build up my images on layers and demonstrate how this can easily be achieved.  Time permitting I might even be able to throw in a couple of image related AVs.

This is a light hearted talk and I always encourage club participation.”

For further information about Colin Harrison, pop onto his website,  www.colinharrisonphotography.uk, from which you’ll see why this promises to be fascinating and informative evening.  We hope to see you there.

Kingswood PS meet  on Fridays from 7.30pm to around 9.30pm at St Barnabas Church Hall, Warmley, Bristol BS30 5JJ.  Visitors are most welcome and the cost for this evening is £3.00.

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