5 April 2011

This Friday at KPS

Two members from Kingswood Photographic Society, Andy Beel FRPS and Brian Cheer ARPS, are giving their illustrated talk “Two for the price of one”. They set out to demonstrate their differing approaches to monochrome photography, Brian through the skilled use of the traditional darkroom methods and Andy through the wonders of the digital revolution of the last ten years or so.

This is an evening to celebrate the differences and similarities of approach in monochrome photography.

Brian will show a variety of award winning prints from his travels around the world combined with Infrared film, the use of wide angle lenses, Lith printing and hand colouring techniques.

In the second half Andy will show the prints he took on his second trip to Ethiopia. This highly acclaimed body of work will show that photographs are made and not merely taken. Andy is well known as a master digital black and white printer. If you want improve your black and white skills either digitally or in the darkroom Friday evening’s talk is not to be missed.

This promises to be an excellent evening and visitors are always very welcome. The cost for this evening is £3.00. Kingswood PS meets Fridays at 7.30pm for 7.45pm at St Barnabas Church Hall, Warmley, Bristol BS30 5JJ.

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