20 April 2011

Easter Greetings!

We hope that wherever you are this Easter or whatever you are doing, you will have the chance to enjoy your photography. Maybe by visiting a photographic exhibition and being inspired by the work you see, or taking your camera out for an airing and capturing some exciting images. For example, the magnolia and rhododendron blossoms are particularly spectacular at the moment and the carpets of bluebells always prove a challenge.

We hope to see you at
Kingswood Photographic Society on the 29th April, but please note, there is a change to our programme. We are absolutely delighted to welcome for the first time Jeff Morgan, Technical Editor of PhotoPlus. There will be more details in the next week’s InfinityExtra but we are confident that it will be a superb evening.

Kingswood PS meet Fridays at 7.30pm for 7.45pm at St Barnabas Church Hall, Warmley, Bristol BS30 5JJ. The cost for visitors is £3.00.

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