14 December 2008

What's your project?

What's your project? Like many photographers I have a ideas every day for future photoshoots and projects. I write them down in a notebook, review them in the cold light of day and then decide if I will do anything about it.

I get inspiration for some projects from TV, Films, walking around, daydreaming, literature, great art but most of all the things people say. I still have a shoot to do around "The last time I saw Rhodri..." . Something my wife's friend Hazel let drop in a conversation that I had to write down immediately because of the visual impact of the remark. I have the image and frame in my mind and am now looking for the model.

What are your projects for 2009? What/who inspires you?

1 comment:

Don said...

I am a big believer in projects too. The upcoming year will be a full one with workshops and seminars, but I have two projects that will definitely keep me busy.

One is shoot the dancers, choreographers and musicians in the southwest... interesting people who are interesting to me. I am including ice skaters in the group as well. Already have 6 scheduled for January.

The other project will be an ongoing set of interviews with creative people, mostly photographers, but also some producers, video shooters, reps and designers. We will focus on the rapidly changing work environment, handling a downturn, and general creativity.

Also writing a book and keeping the site up and shooting... yeah... I like busy.